Sunday, July 22, 2012

Seeing Some History on Vacation

While we were on vacation, we decided to visit some of the local historic sites.  We visited Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson.   We saw the shell of a church called St. Philips.  Brunswick Town was burned by the British during the Revolutionary War.

Fort Anderson/Brunswick Town

Not much remains of the town.

Fort Anderson/Brunswick Town

We could see what the archeologists had uncovered.

Gwynith at Brunswick Town

It is hard to imagine people living here, but they did!

Visiting Brunswick Town

The walk lead through the ruins of the town and around the earthen mounds that made up Fort Anderson.

Fort Anderson/Brunswick Town

We were glad we visited Brunswick Town/Fort Anderson in the morning, because it was getting very hot when we decided it was time to go!  Then we drove to Southport and had lunch at a pizza and sub restaurant before heading to the NC Martime Museum.  We got a tour by a museum guide, then took a few photos.

NC Maritime Museum - Southport

This was our favorite exhibit, but we are a bit sad that these girls are left to live out their days, behind glass without the benefit of body, dress and human companionship!

Doll parts at the Maritime Museaum

We had a fun day and learned a lot!

Gwynith Linette and Lisa


Serenata said...

I always think it is a shame to see dolls behind glass, or still in boxes, but of course for historical reasons for everyone to get to see and experience them I can understand it in this case. Looks like a very interesting place to visit.

Miranda Ixie said...

Oh my gosh, how awful to live as a collectible, behind glass and with no one to love and play with you. *shudder* But the rest of the trip looked awesome! Thanks for sharing your wanderings with us!