Hi! This is Gwynith Linette posting today! I was looking at our blog, and I realized that I hadn't posted recently and though I would share some photos of how my Spring has changed into Summer...
For Easter, I wore a really pretty dress. I loved the flowers, but I think I'd like a blue dress for Easter next year, to go with my eyes. My friend, Kanani, thinks that this one has a tropical look to it and has asked if she can have it, if I get a new one. I like sharing clothes with my friends!
Speaking of friends, here we are! I just love Kanani's blue ruffled hoodie outfit! She said she'd let me borrow it sometime. It wasn't too hot when this photo was taken - crops and capris weren't too warm.
Now it is really warm outside. No more going outside in the middle of the day for photos - the sun is too hot and bright! The day we took this photo, the high was almost 100F! It was cooler in the evening, but you can see how the hydrangeas were wilting!
It has been so hot, that pigtails are one thing I can do to cool off a bit! Maybe I should trade my hiking boots in for some cooler flip-flops, too!
Can you tell what my favorite color is?