Wendy is my first Lati. She's a Lati Yellow Lami. She arrived here in August of 2006, via a Florida e-Bayer. She might be little, but she is full of personality and is a lot of fun to have around. Being a Lati, she's invited her relatives to come stay here with us, too! She loves having her family around. She also likes looking at Flickr to see photos of extended family, friends and other relatives.
Wendy has tried all kinds of hair-dos, but eventually, picked out the very first style she got a month after her arrival! Sometimes you just have to acknowledge that you already have what you need!
She is so dear. What a sweet expression. Just precious. Uri-Grace and I were wondering what exactly goes underneath the wig to keep it from slipping and sliding all around.
Thanks for visiting my blog! Some of my tiniest BJD's have their wigs glued on with white tacky glue (Alene's), but Wendy has a few circles of hot glue gun glue on the back of her head, and that seems to hold it still well enough! One of my dolls has a silicone wig cap, and her wig goes nowhere (it was a battle to get it one, too)!!!!
Thanks so much. It's really helpful. I'm so glad there are gracious doll lovers like you out there that I can learn from.
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